Sunday, December 5, 2021


During filming I had to continually make refinement to make sure the final product was engaging as well as professional. The refinements including changing audio level to make sure that they have a smooth layout to create an atmosphere within the opening which is engaging. Another correction which I had to complete was changing the chase scene to being fast paced. During this process I decided to intro an energetic non-diegetic soundtrack, which I can use to make a cut to the beat sequel of clips of the chase scene. I felt like this refinement from the feedback I received helped to create a serious, intense scene. 

Detailed explanation of chase scene:
Corrections and Feedback by ollie hill

Within the Feedback we also received praise of  the mise-en-scene. An example of this was the Crime lab were we were praised for the mise-en-scène and the use of a voiceover which sets the scene with pinboard introducing protagonist and locations. The detail of the scene was praised as for it including various screens suggesting high-profile technical medical surveillance equipment that supports narrative of government agency on a mission to locate and utilise the protagonist’s brain power. Government constructed as engaged in hostile and potentially illegal ‘skunkworks’, setting up binary opposition of aggressor / victim. 

Another area of praise which we received when showing the film opening was the editing. When showing the montage of camera shots in black and white which clearly connotes undercover surveillance work, plus technical sounds edited in to suggest computer activity.  The scene was praised for the lighting as well due to it being low-key lighting which connotes secrecy montage of POV shots of subject being tracked. We also were told we had good use of protagonist’s headphone music indicating breaks in her feelings of security as she starts to suspect that she is being followed. Later in this scene we received praise on the use of diegetic sound – twig snapping intensifies fear; ECU reaction shot marks moment of real fear, accompanied by shift in non-diegetic music to capture chase scene; Rich variety of shots here with long shots to show chase in lonely woodland setting, tracking shot, CU of victim’s running feet – with series of hard cuts to create panic; hand-held camerawork connotes fear. 

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Extraction Film Opening