Saturday, October 30, 2021




The film opening of Sherlock Holmes conveys certain codes and conventions which match the Mystery film conventions. This title sequence clearly emphasised and showed the well known cast, which will encourage interest and hyped around the film. As for the expectation which comes alongside the well-known names. 

Within the film opening the soundtrack used creates suspense and drama but also fits in with the old, vintage style of the film set in 1890 London. As well as this the soundtrack is fast paced, with heavy instrumentals which once again helps to gage our attention. Loud drums and violins are used in order to create speed within the title sequence which supports the actions we see within the visuals of Sherlock and his crew defeating crime. Another key way in which instruments in this film opening are used to keep a high tempo is that symbols crash whenever the tempo needs picking up again such as when new titles/characters are presented to the audience. Overall Dramatic music is used as well to help the audience understand the mood and tempo of the story.

Throughout the opening scene to Sherlock Holmes (2009) a lot of different titles are shown in similar ways. Their is a common theme in the titles as they are all given a grubby/vintage look. Characters are showed by freeze framing particular events which the character takes place in and then a tea-washed background is wiped over them along with the character name/actor’s name written in an old styled handwriting to give a vintage effect. An important part of this film opening is that the directors name (Guy Ritchie) is seen twice once at the very start of the film opening and once again at the very end of the film opening. Overall a lot of text is used to show who is in the film as well as important people such as the director.

1 comment:

  1. You have understood that a film opening should signal the film's genre and noted the draw of star talent, including the director Guy Ritchie. You write with articulate reflection about the particular style and qualities of this film opening, situation it in its historical context through vintage mise-en-scene and effects. You show a good grasp of the importance of the sound track in engaging audience attention. Very good.


Extraction Film Opening