Thursday, September 30, 2021


This extract research is the analysis of the opening five minutes of a film called Ae Fond Kiss (dir, ken Loach 2004). The opening of the film works very well for the purposes of analysing the representation of people; in this case we follow the journey of what it is like to be a first and second generation Pakistani immigrant living in Glasgow. The establishing shot reflects tranquil and togetherness feeling as for a mixture of people dancing in a  night club with bhangra music and watching Bollywood films. As well as this, the family is presented to be traditional and conventional as for them showing the father owning a corner shop selling fruit and veg which is seen to be . We soon are presented that the area they live in follows strong British values, reflecting the problems for the traditional Pakistani family as they are presented as a minority. 

Furthermore, we witness the challenges which the younger generation face in their daily life whilst growing up. For example, the first challenge we see is the daughter, Tarara Kahn, being presented as a minority and being racially abused by other children whilst at school. This ends in her chasing them out of school in frustration after them spitting on their car and stealing her personal items. Nevertheless, Tarara is shown to be proud of who she is and her religion as for her saying in front of the whole school "I'm a dazzling mixture and I'm proud of it" connoting independence and self-reliance. 

Whilst chasing his sister through the school after the bullies we witness the brother, Carim Kahn, first encounter of his hopeless love for the music teacher, a white Catholic girl. This creates dilemma as it being clear that their love is downhearted as for it battling against both his religion and his traditional Pakistani family where your father expects an arranged marriage. The despondent and unlikeliness of the love is also connoted through the title of the film, Ae Fond Kiss meaning 'one sweet kiss', this is effective as it supports the feeling that their love is battling against all odds and they only have one chance to get it right. 

Throughout the film opening their are nine titles which are displayed, within this we are shown familiar names such as the multi-award winning director Ken Loach. This will attract many viewers as for his work being recognisable and successful. Alongside, this the credits also express clearly how the film is a mutlicultural production, this is done through presenting the different co-production companies. 

Technology has also been used effectively as for the use of camera movement which helps to create the vision of liberty and tranquillity, this is shown through the loose camera movements within the shots in the night club. This contrasts with the extreme wide shot which pans over Glasgow at the opening of the film, this helps to establish the setting of where the film is based. Later on within the film opening we see the camera shot of the perspective of the older brother looking through the window into the music room at the teacher. This helped influence us as the viewer to realise the brothers love and


Extraction Film Opening